The Mayor’s Walking Challenge is the oldest program offered by the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health. It began in 2014 as a small contest based out of Boise with regional partners and has grown into a statewide event in which more than half of Idaho’s mayors participated in last year.

What is the Mayor’s Walking Challenge? It’s a statewide program that gives Idaho mayors the opportunity to get active and earn funds for their community — all while setting a great example by being physically active. The challenge takes place in October and is open to any Idaho mayor. There are a record 112 mayors signed up to participate, with at least one mayor from all 44 Idaho counties.

Mayors can use their mobile phone or an activity tracker to count their daily steps. Mayors who average 5,000 steps per day during October earn $500 for their community, and those community leaders who walk 10,000 steps daily bring home $1,000. The funds can be used for programs and projects that encourage physical activity and well-being.

Some of the projects and programs established during the Mayor’s Walking Challenge have been park improvements and equipment, playground equipment, recreation equipment, walking paths, walking clubs at schools, equipment for children with disabilities, city pool repairs, and contribute toward larger projects.

The Mayor’s Walking Challenge offers more benefits than funding. Mayors take advantage of the opportunity to see their city from a different lens. They learn what it’s like to a pedestrian and how easy or difficult it is to walk in their community. They set a good example by being physically active, which is a great health benefit.

Perhaps the mayors’ favorite part of the challenge is walking with youth at school. This experience not only earns the mayor bonus steps toward their monthly goal, but it gives them the opportunity to interact with kids and talk about the importance of being active.

For the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Heath, the Mayor’s Walking Challenge is a way for us to connect and build relationships with mayors. Mayors are great partners because they know so much about their communities and what’s happening in Idaho. We actively engage and listen to mayors, and what they tell us helps inform our strategy. The challenge also is an introduction to our work and other programs available to Idaho communities.

The Mayor’s Walking Challenge is a fun program that allows Idaho mayors to do good for their community and themselves.