A Statewide Challenge for Idaho Mayors

Mayor’s Walking Challenge

The Mayor’s Walking Challenge is a statewide program that gives Idaho mayors the opportunity to get active and earn funds for their community — all while setting a great example by being physically active. The challenge takes place in October and is open to any Idaho mayor.

Mayor's Walking Challenge path

How it works:

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    Mayors wear an activity tracker and commit to walk every day in October

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    Mayors earn funds for their community for averaging 5,000 ($500) or 10,000 ($1,000) steps

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    Funds are used for programs and projects that encourage physical activity and well-being

Mayors are strong partners and can be great advocates for healthy communities. They work with a variety of organizations and can catalyze positive activity within cities. The Mayor’s Walking Challenge helps raise awareness on the importance of being physically active. Registration for the 2025 challenge will open in August.

Mayors with questions about the Challenge can email info@bcidahofoundation.org.

Challenge History

The Mayor’s Walking Challenge has grown from a local program in the Treasure Valley to a statewide event for all Idaho mayors.

Year ParticipantsAmount Awarded

What They’re Saying

Mayors talk about their experience in the Mayor’s Walking Challenge.

  • …literally walked every mile of the city sidewalk wise to determine what the challenges were. That was really a good experience. The Mayor’s Walking Challenge opened my eyes to see that we had areas where walking is challenging.

    Kevin EnglandMayor of Chubbuck
  • We’re sharing the vision of this challenge, which is to promote physical activity and the kids are responding. The fun part is it helps me, too. Walking is good for you.

    Steven GriffittsFormer Mayor of Hayden
  • To have the opportunity to earn money for recreational needs is an incredible offer by the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, and I’m thankful for it.

    Ron JacobsonMayor of Post Falls
  • Through this process, we identified areas around the City that needed improvement for pedestrians, especially around Sacajawea school. This is an area where many students walk to school, but there were not many sidewalks to walk on safely. We have worked with the school and applied for grants to improve the access and safety for those students.

    Garret NancolasFormer Mayor of Caldwell
  • It’s important for mayors to get involved in the local schools and interact with the kids… the greatest reward is walking and visiting with young children to promote active lifestyles.

    David DavisMayor of Jerome
  • You don’t realize it until you actually do it. You’ve got a totally different outlook for your community when you walk.

    Gheen ChristoffersenMayor of Homedale
  • Get up and start walking. This is an easy way to make a little bit of extra money that you can donate to a special cause.

    Brian BladMayor of Pocatello
  • I am proud to have been able to help my local school, while bettering my health and enjoying all the beautiful weather that the Pacific Northwest had to offer. To be able to get out and walk, especially with kids, is such a forgotten pastime. I enjoyed October so much; I will let my Clerk sign me up next year.

    Lonnie OrrMayor of Oldtown
  • It was a good opportunity to be active and to talk about that in the community, and that money went toward a playground.

    Rebekah SorensenMayor of American Falls

Statewide Participation Means Statewide Impact