Jerome Mayor David Davis Looks Forward to Mayor’s Walking Challenge

Jerome Mayor David Davis is proud to participate in the Mayor’s Walking Challenge because it helps raise awareness about a serious health problem — childhood obesity.
One in three children in Idaho are overweight or obese, an alarming number that ultimately can lead to more serious health issues as children age. One of the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health initiatives is High Five, which promotes physical activity and access to healthy foods for Idaho kids.
“I wasn’t aware of the childhood obesity problem prevalent with young children,” says Mayor Davis. “I thought it was more of a teenager and adult issue. Walking in elementary schools really opens your eyes to the problem.”
The Mayor’s Walking Challenge is one-month competition that encourages all Idaho mayors to walk and have fun and earn funds for their community. High Five has set a goal to have at least 100 Idaho mayors join the challenge and create the #100MayorMovement.
“It’s good for your health,” Davis says. “And it’s important for mayors to get involved in the local schools and interact with the kids. The challenge is not that difficult, but the greatest reward is walking and visiting with young children to promote active lifestyles.”
Mayors who average 10,000 steps a day during October get $1,000 that can be given to elementary schools to purchase physical activity equipment or starting a walking program. Funds also can be given to a city parks department for programs and projects that keep the community active.
Mayor Davis spreads the word on the importance of being active when he walks with elementary students during the challenge. It’s his favorite part of the challenge, plus he gets a 10,000-step bonus each time he walks with kids.
“That childlike innocence that they exhibit in the questions that they ask is refreshing,” he says. “They treat you as if you’re some type of superstar because you’re the mayor and they definitely brighten your day. I always leave with a smile on my face.”
Mayor David Davis Profile
City: Jerome
Profession other than Mayor: Branch Manager, Farmers Bank
Favorite Places to Walk: The bicycle and walking path in Jerome and various local streets.
Where Did 2018 Mayor’s Walking Challenge Funds Go? Horizon Elementary School. The school is raising funds to create a walking and learning path.
Did you know? Mayor Davis walks with elementary school children three days a week during the Mayor’s Walking Challenge. He spends one day at each of Jerome’s three elementary schools walking with children in different grades each day.